Get Back

It’s been very much a Beatles related day today. We went to Liverpool this morning as I was given a voucher last Christmas (2020) for the British Music Experience, which is sited in the Cunard Building - you can just see the edge of it on the left of the photo.
The voucher originally expired in December 2021 but, due to Omicron, we had been able to extend it for three months, free of charge.
It was an interesting exhibition and, as we were told our ticket is valid for 12 months, one we can go back to later in the year. After crossing the road to take todays photo, we headed up to the city centre. I went into Waterstones, looking for a particular book. They didn’t have it, but I did walk out with Paul McCartneys Lyrics - a mammoth (in both size and price!) two volume set, basically being his autobiography told through the medium of his lyrics. Looks like it will be a fascinating read.
Finished off the day with an IMAX cinema viewing of the Beatles rooftop concert, part of Peter Jacksons excellent Get Back documentary assembled from all the footage shot during the recording of Let It Be. Looking forward to getting the DVD box set when it is released later this year. Watching the film, I wondered how many of the people listening to the concert in the street below were aware they were witnessing the last ever public performance by the group. And if they did, did they care?

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