Stranger danger??!!

Sometimes when my human can't be bothered to give me a 'proper' walk she takes me to the park to play with my ball. Half an hour of playing with my ball really tires me out with the minimum of effort from Ann.

Today was one of those days. I had a 'proper walk' this morning and then I had to have 'home alone snooze' time while Ann went to IKEA with her friend, Janice. She's not been to IKEA since before first lock-down so obv a few candles had to be purchased. Lol! It was a beautiful morning but by this afternoon the weather had turned all mizzly and drizzly. We had to go to Tesco before my afternoon walk and when Ann came out of Tesco's it was raining so we just went to the park so that I could play with my ball.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE playing with my ball, though I'm usually only allowed to play once a week or so, because Ann thinks that too much jumping might put a strain on my joints. However, as all my 'manky old balls' have been bagged up (and put in the car ready to drop off at the Edinburgh dog and cat home) Ann wanted to show me that I've still got lots of balls left that I can play with.

And do you know what happened today when we were playing in the park?................... A strange man kept shouting at Ann across the park. She couldn't hear what he was saying because it was rainy and windy and she had her hood up. So she just ignored him cos she thought he was a weirdo?!! But he deviated off the path and walked all the way across the wet soggy grass to talk to Ann. Fortunately it was 'coming out of school time' so there were a lot of mummies and children around so Ann knew if he murdered her in broad daylight there would be witnesses.

Anyway do you want to know what he said to Ann?.................... He said, 'Your dog is amazing. I've been watching you for ages and I've never seen a dog enjoy playing with ball so much before. How did you train him do I look like a boy? to do that?' Ann said, 'With a lot of practise and repetition' because she wanted to take the credit for how good I am.

In reality, it only took me five throws of the ball to learn how to play with a ball because I'm super clever. When Ann first adopted 'MollyCollie' it took her almost a year to teach her how to bring a ball back to her so that she could throw it again. I guess we're all different.

Sooooo.................... the weirdo stranger turned out to be not very strange or weird after all. And half an hour of playing with my ball has worn me out so I'm fast asleep in my little bed. (see extras). I can't even be bothered to eat my dinner.

Goodnight all. xxx

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