Twisty Tree on Back Lane
I love this tree, the interesting shapes. I don’t know what type it is but I’ll check again when the leaves are out.
I had a cleaning day today. I quite like it when the notion takes me. I polished the old dressing table and bedside cabinets with Lavender
Wax - the old fashioned kind in a tin. It always reminds me of my Mum when I used to polish her furniture for her when I was little.
Also did the bathroom and vacuumed every where.
After lunch I had 40 winks on the sofa, I’m getting quite good at it!
Then I drew my entry for Febcreate - Buckie, that’s Scot’s for Whelk.
I just did a really quick sketch and coloured it with watercolour pencil (extra)
Then I took Bella for her afternoon walk - really windy out there but not cold.
Marc called me today so had quite a long chat with him.
Then I caught up with Blips and wrote my poem.
The Twisty Tree
What made your branches twist
And tangle with each other so
Was it gravity pulling them down
Then reaching for the sun to grow
Was it the power of gale force winds
When you were just a sapling
I suppose it was all these things
As with nature you were grappling
It doesn’t make you any less
You’re very pleasing to the eye
In fact it adds to your beauty
Those shapes against the sky
Now time for a bit of telly.
Goodnight Blippers :-)X
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