By lizzie_birkett

Greedy Guts!

The Collared Doves watch my every move just waiting for me to bring food out. I do love them but I think that’s why we don’t see any Bluetits here and sparrows only now and then.

It’s been lovely weather after all that wind yesterday - though it wasn’t nearly as bad as I’ve seen on other Blips. Today I spent some time in the garden tidying and I planted the Dogwood and The Witchhazel. I was going to Blip them but then I saw this lot looking down!

To the back of the Queue!

Collared Doves you are so pretty
But must you be so greedy?
You watch me putting out the food
But small birds are just as needy.
You always get first sitting
Filling up your crop in haste
The others don’t get a look in
Please, have a little grace.

Tomorrow is the 1st day of Febcreate on Facebook’s For Enjoyment Artists. The prompts are all Scot’s words and the first is Buckie (whelk).
I’ll try and find the time to take part.

That’s all for today Blippers.

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