By lizzie_birkett


Well, for today anyway! It's been lovely and sunny although still quite cold but we had a lovely walk and there were snowdrops everywhere! All change tomorrow according to the weather forecast.

I started a new art challenge today on the For Enjoyment Artists Facebook page. This one is called #febcreate and is a month of Scots words prompts. Today's is 'Wee' as in small.
This time it can be anything from a poem, haiku, drawing, stitching, to anything handmade. I need a challenge to keep me at it.

This afternoon Frank drove me to the garden centre which I didn't think would be open but when I looked on line saw that it is. I got my seed potatoes and some compost for my one orchid and also a slug deterrent that you put down as a mulch around plants. That together with a slug pub might see them off. This garden, like our last garden is slug ridden and they eat everything! I got quite a variety of seed potatoes and wrote on each paper bag what they are...except one! I think they are maincrop but who knows! Surprise, surprise :-D

The bird hangy feeding thing arrived today but we'll put it together tomorrow. It feels quite sturdy and well made. I hope it attracts more birds here as they have been few and far between apart from the collared lovey doves and crows. We'd like to see some smaller varieties.

Hope you've all had a good day.
:-) X

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