Brinkburn Priory

I asked Mr C to find us a flat walk to do this morning as I was a bit tired after yesterday’s hills, and needed to get home in good time to start cooking for the birthday lunch party I’m hosting for Ailie tomorrow.

“No problem”, he said, “my cunning plan means we’ll be back for lunch. It’s about 7 miles.” We left at 9 from the house, but not before I popped a banana in my pocket. Just as well, as it was 11.5 miles round trip to Brinkburn Priory via St Oswalds Way. I’ve always wanted to see it from the south side of the river, though the sun was wrong for a photo. The route took us along the disused railway line then down through a few fields and through some woods after crossing a couple burns by little bridges. Eventually we reached a point above the Coquet opposite the priory where I insisted on a little sit-down, in the sun, remembering to remove the banana from my pocket before I did so. It gave me just about enough energy to slog my way home into a strong wind.

I managed to make a pudding/cake for tomorrow and Cous Cous but burned my roast veg for it so will have to do more in the morning as I need a wee rest now.

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