128 miles this month

Chris picked Ailie and me up at 9am for the drive up the valley to Barrowburn. We set off to do the Murder Cleugh walk though Chris was unsure about taking the dogs as she could see cattle. They were actually over the hill from the walk I planned so she didn’t need the dogs on the leads for long. As we past the farm at Jack Russell puppy appeared and insisted on following us. There was no way it was going home. Once we were through a gate she let them off.

It was a fine day for walking - bright and sunny and dry underfoot. However the wind was biting. We had some steep pulls up before we found a sheltered place about a mile from the border near Usewayford for our snack and the little shot of damson gin. The way back was easy - up past the place the murder took place in 1610 then along the open moorland till the final steep descent back to Barrowburn. The little dog had a drink in the burn but didn’t seem inclined to go home despite us trying to get him to go in his garden gate. He was determined to get in the car so Ailie put a lead on him and went back to raise the owner. He is a National park warden - the house is no longer a farm - and he was at home.

We had really nice morning. My OS map didn’t record the beginning of the walk as there was no signal/satellite connection. Distance recorded on my phone was 5.5 miles. Ailie’s disagreed and said 6.3 miles. She says compared with another friend hers reads low! If I was using Ailie’s I’d be able to add another 25 miles to my monthly total. But I won’t. 750 miles to go!

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