Optical Illusion

I’ve often been behind this van when driving, but I decided to walk to the gym today and was delighted to see it parked up outside its base, thus enabling me to get a decent picture.
The more you look at it, the more you appreciate the level of detail in the artwork, especially with regard to the interior floor and the door seal. I’ve no idea why they chose to have a minion stealing the sandwich, but it always brings a smile to my face when I see it.
The reason I was walking to the gym was because I am running out of days to complete this months fitness challenges. In a spirit of determinedness on New Years Day, I had signed up to four challenges on Strava - run a 5K, run a 10K, walk 50K and complete 30 hours of activity, all by 31st January. The 5K was easily dispatched and I am well past 50k for the walking challenge. The 10K is scheduled for this weekend, but the one I thought would be the easiest - 30 hours of activity - has proved to be the most difficult to complete.
On the face of it, an hour a day spent either walking, running or in the gym (or a combination of those) should have been easily achievable.
Unfortunately, if you miss only a couple of days, you have to start playing catch up. And I spent 5 days down in Chester where I wasn’t able to do as much as I would have liked. Which means I ended up with about 6 days to go and over 15 hours of activity required to reach the target.
But by taking advantage of the dry weather this week, I have been able to go for a decent walk each day as well as spend an hour in the gym. And it has paid off. With four days to go, I need to do another 4.5 hours of activity to achieve the goal. Running a 10K will take an hour and I’m sure I’ll be in the gym each day as well, so should just make it. But I hate leaving things to the last minute so will probably squeeze in a couple of decent walks over the weekend to ensure I definitely hit the target.

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