Oops, I Did it Again (again)

Well, that’s three out of four wheels well and truly kerbed. Four months since I did the last one and now I have a matching pair on the front. As mentioned previously, these are diamond cut wheels so cannot simply be painted - they need completely refurbishing with specialist equipment. However, I really can’t be bothered at the moment so will just flat down the rough edges and then put on a couple of coats of clear lacquer to protect the wheel. Not sure when I’ll do it though as I really need a warm dry day for best results and there aren’t any of those on the horizon for the foreseeable.
Due to mum being housebound after her operation, she had asked me to pay a couple of bills for her. I’m used to just pressing a few buttons on my phone to pay bills, but she is firmly rooted in the analogue tradition of taking a cheque and payment slip into the bank. Which is what I had to do on her behalf. First bank was HSBC and, surprisingly, they still had two conventional cashiers. Their machines were only for taking cash out or paying cheques in. Only a short queue so not that painful a process. Then I had to go to Barclays as one of the bills mum gave me was actually for my sister. Now, the machines in Barclays do allow you to pay bills through them. But only your own bills, not your sister’s! So I had to queue for the one cashier, who also deals with amendments and queries. Unfortunately, everybody in Barclays today wanted to do something out of the ordinary, so the queue was quite long and unmoving. Fortunately, one of the staff knows me well and took pity on me - effectively allowing me to jump the queue - by taking the cheque and payment slip off me and borrowing the cashiers stamp to mark the receipt. Since I resigned from the bank twelve years ago I have done pretty much all my banking online or via an ATM. I reckon I spent more time inside an actual bank, standing in a queue, this morning than I have in the previous ten years!

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