Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Blame Forthports

Watched tennis most of the morning - an epic game between Monfils and Berrettini. Archie and Robert had returned two hours later and it was still going on.

JR went off into town for ‘a look around’. Actually, I blame Forthports, as she saw his nifty measuring spoons yesterday and decided she must have them. 

I took positively AGES sorting out my online COVID status thingie. For the cruise we’re going on in the spring, they want all this evidence. Could I get into my NHS app? No I could not. Wrong password. Wrong email… I had to ring the helpline. 

The person was super helpful, and would not leave me until I’d successfully changed the email and password, which embarrassingly enough, took me SO many goes, that eventually SHE did it for me.

After that stressful time, I knew what I needed. Some vigorous exercise followed by a high value reward. Yes, I used the ancient carrot juicer (which was almost thrown out a week or so ago) but now sits on the kitchen bench. I juiced a whole big bag of carrots and the juice filled two large glasses. Absolutely gorgeous! I kindly left one glass for JR. Archie goes crazy when carrots are involved. He can hear me peeling them even when he’s in the lounge!

I took Archie round the block. There’s quite a bit of this graffiti around the place. At least it’s only in chalk. And it’s easily amended.

Next month we’ll be able to say, ‘Next month we’re going on a cruise!’ 

We actually leave on the last day of March for an April cruise in the Mediterranean. Fingers crossed very very tightly!

Maggie came to visit for the evening, as her mum and dad were going out for a meal. 

PS A very tasty 3-mushroom stroganoff with walnut rice for tea tonight.

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