
We had a few people round to dinner tonight and H and I cooked and in fact I mainly did it last night so it was an easy start to the evening.  I didn’t think about Blip today so this pic of Vik sitting in the hall is the one that pleased me most and I’ve put it in.  We’re trying to use this as a comfy annexe to the kitchen and it sort of worked. 

H and I went to a curious sort of homeward shop/outlet store in a local village.  Everything slightly dated but of high quality.  Bizarre to find in the middle of nowhere.  We went onto Cowdray Farm shop which was full of tempting goodies but also saw me coming.  Walked away with a gorgeous hellebore potted up in a terracotta pot.  Absolutely lovely but….  

Very jolly evening but well past midnight when they left.  H remarked ‘in London people leave at 10 o’clock!’  

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