
A fantastic afternoon out at Meadowbank Stadium for the Auld Reekie Roller Girls bout between The Cherry Bombers and The Gravehearts. My eldest was one of the mascots for the former and got to wear a red hooded velvet cape whilst running around the track in front of the team for the skate-out. She had an absolute blast, loved it. And got a very cool team t-shirt given to her as well.

It was my first time there but I found it a really great atmosphere, everyone was super-friendly and we came away thinking that there's an awful lot of people out there putting an awful lot of effort into things that they love, and who can argue with that? We'll definitely be back.

As for the match itself, it was close, real-close, nail-biting stuff but in the end The Gravehearts just shaded it. Congratulations to them, it all seemed fair and square from where we sitting in our Cherry Bombers-supporting seats.

There's a tune, an obvious tune, I can't really go for anything else...

"Hello Daddy, Hello Mom"

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