By lizzie_birkett

New Housing Development! (E)

New Housing Development

Tweets are going round
You must have heard
New houses have been built
But Mum’s the word

We don’t want any riff-raff
It’s respectable round here
So don’t tell the starlings
For they have no fear

Sparrows are so common
Robins eat all the food
These houses are for Blue Tits
And their growing brood

Viewings are almost daily now
One pair have put in a bid
Tommy Titmouse was the highest
Accepted by Messrs Corvid

It’s moving in day today 
And to guard against the weather
They’re flying to and fro - beaks full
Of moss and leaf and feather.

Just a quickie poem today as after cleaning the living room this morning I got a migraine. I took a Zomig and spent the afternoon on the sofa under my pink woolly blanket watching the two episodes of Call the Midwife I’d missed. Then I had a shower and felt lots better but just a bit washed out.
Frank made the 2 bird boxes and hung them on the back wall of the house.
I really hope some blue tits move in as they only come in our garden occasionally. The last lot of nuts I hung out went mouldy.

Extra: Little Lucy lost the first of her 4 wobbly teeth! Sabrina said she’s been walking round with it hanging down by a thread and looked like Nanny McPhee! I can’t imagine her with big front teeth, she’s still so wee! Look at her dry lips, she’s got such delicate skin and no amount of creams and lip balms seem to help. She gets occasional allergic reactions to certain foods too.

Thanks for the lovely comments, stars and hearts for our Grand Day Out! 

Goodnight Blippers ;-) X

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