By lizzie_birkett


...over Hellifield rooftops yesterday. No sun today and didn't take a decent photo.

I didn't join Frank and Bella for walkies this morning as I was all fired up for cleaning the kitchen. I know, I should have gone for a walk first but then I would have lost the urge!
All the cupboard tops, doors and shelves wiped clean. Insides of cupboards all sorted and cleaned and floor washed all while listening to Woman's Hour episodes from last week.
Happy me!

Now time to chill, knit and draw.

Last night we made seperate meals as Frank had bought Quorn pieces thinking they were vegan but they have egg in, (he still eats eggs as long as they are genuine free range) so he made a curry for himself.
I took this opportunity to make one of my fave meals - mashed potato, sauerkraut and veggie sausages with HP sauce. I acquired the taste for sauerkraut during my 10 years in Germany and cook it with fried onions, juniper berries and dill. I can still recite a childrens rhyme about it:

Sauerkraut und dill, dill, dill
Kocht meine mutter viel, viel viel,
Wer daß sauerkraut nicht will
Kriegt auch keine dill, dill, dill!

We both have leftovers for tonight's tea - yum!
I may have a sneaky beer with mine - Frank is doing dry January :-D))) He says it doesn't bother him if I have one.
I would find it difficult because once I smell beer I want one, though I only have a half.

A rainy day today and Frank said with hidden ice in places.
I've only been out to feed the birds. I seem to be attract them into our garden at last, collared doves, crows, blackbirds, starlings and a robin. None of the tit family though - not sure why. I have peanuts hanging but last time, they hung there so long they went mouldy.

More restrictions are looming, but they are necessary, and another new variant in Brazil - is it here already?
As Prof Jason Leitch said yesterday, the best protection you have is your front door. I certainly feel safe behind mine!
I wish everyone had this basic protection...

Stay safe :-)X

Thanks for comments, stars and hearts x

NEWS FLASH! Trump has been impeached! At least some good news! :-) lets hope there's no trouble :-/

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