and they're off

In Joanna's words, here are my two girls about to set off on an adventure..well, Jess is really really hoping that she will be joining Sarah on her jaunt up Criffel :-)

They were actually about to summit Criffel FOUR times! Up from Ardwall Mains, across to Knockendoch and down, up again via Knockendoch and down to Ardwall Mains (and repeat). So that was 16.65 miles and 7000 feet of ascent. A cracking training run haha.

I only went up Criffel the once, and then walked to Loch Kindar and back. It was still another hour until S & J were expected back at the car so I put my feet up and watched an episode of "Bordertown". I'm nearly at the end of series 1 and am wondering if life in Finland is really so stylishly black/grey/white and why there is no snow (they must have shot the whole series in summer). It's a great show, though :-)

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