
By Lizimagiz

Bronson Dances

I'm afraid I could not resist it... Three dog blips in a row!
I had to go out to O'Connors' Farm again this morning. Dawn was struggling a bit with her new laptop.
So I headed out in our big 4x4 vehicle which I use to cart the dogs around in. I had both Fergus and Gypsy in the back of the vehicle as I planned to head off to the Taylor River for our usual dog walk after the farm visit.
Bronson had no idea he had doggie visitors until I was ready to leave. My dogs sat patiently in the vehicle with the windows down a little and in the shade of a big tree. They were very content.
When Bronson discovered them he was beside himself with excitement. He charged all around the car, yipping and whining. Fergus and Gypsy looked down at him with great tolerance and did not make a whisper.
Bronson started showing off and walked along on his hind legs.
I could not resist. Out came the camera and there and then I captured my blip for the day... :-)

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