
By Lizimagiz

A Handsome Fellow

Here he is again... A handsome fellow indeed...a lot more handsome here than he looked yesterday while saying "Ahh".
I find that small animals and small children are the most difficult of photographic subjects. They just will not sit still and pose.
I was out at the O'Connors' farm again this morning. Dawn has just bought a new laptop and I have been giving her a bit of a hand with finding her way around it.
We had issues with setting up the wireless network in the house so had a man from one of the telephone specialist companies come out and sort out the system. Being young and quick of course he had the wireless network up and running in a jiffy. So it is all go for Dawn.
I will be able to email her lovely images of Bronson. until she has learned to import her own images onto the laptop.
Dawn is intrigued with Blipfoto and we had a lovely time later this morning going through the journals of folk she knows such as our son James.
We have nine Blippers in Marlborough now. I think that is a pretty good number and would be interested in hearing numbers from other parts of the country.
Time flew on Blipfoto this morning. Once Dawn upgrades her camera and get more confident I can anticipate yet another Blipper being added to our ranks.
Bronson wasn't interested in hanging around us...Computers are just not his thing... He was off out doing farming duties with Michael!

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