Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

As one does.....

Having had discussions about lights with a fellow pisky blipper recently I finally got around to making an offer and sending fine details. It's remarkably difficult to measure accurately the height of the lower edge of the top of a lamp especially when it has a round base, so this was my attempt. Hopefully it made sense. I'm very fond of this lamp which came from that wonderful emporium Martin & Frost of George Street, sadly now a part of a large furniture chain. It did have lovely things though. It and Waterston's - note the missing final 'e', no relation to the bookshop - which was a stationers to rival the Edinburgh Bookshop, also sadly demised, are sadly missed. I whiled away many, many hours in both shops and still have items I bought there. (Just don't mention my fibre optic angel to my girls or you'll be overwhelmed by the gales of laughter and comments on my taste!) Back to the light though, sadly I don't really have a use for it and would love for it to find a new home where it would be loved and cherished.
Basically though, no matter how I dress it up and post it out, that was it when it came to photos today!
I didn't go to church this morning as I'm doing what the FM recommended and staying away from groups of people indoors.
Tonight I am down at Katy's, staying over as she and Jon are both starting early tomorrow morning - as will I be!
Stay safe folks.

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