Blue sky garden

OH was playing golf so I took myself off for a long walk.  It was cold but bright and I listened to a really interesting podcast.  Home for shower and soup and a cupboard sort out then eBaying.  Coat cupboard was so full - so  a few have been culled and designated as gardening coats.  I did try to find a local charity who would take ‘warm coats’ for the homeless or refugees but my email enquiries didn’t result in any replies? 

I fiddled about on the computer and replied to a message from ex- colleague who appears to be unsettled in new role?  In the tick box of ‘life stress’ I think he could cross of half a dozen last year.  Hope it all works out for him.

Dinner, fire lit and two episodes of ‘Four Lives’ a drama about the appalling mishandling by Dagenham and Barking police following the murder of four young lads.  Very sad.

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