Had to look this one up...

This ground cover plant in a dismal corner of the park has suddenly shot up some flower spikes.  Never seen these before - quite unusual.  Tried to describe it in a few ways to bring up some likely options on Google - haven't got the app. that some people use.  Finally identified it to be a wild non-native, slightly invasive ground cover plant - Winter Heliotrope. Apparently it has a vanilla scent but didn't get that close to detect it.  Just managed to finish our walk before a heavy downpour.  At Aldi their PA system announced  the number plate of a car that was gently rolling from its parking space - moment's relief that it wasn't mine but then alarm.....where was it rolling?!  Relieved to see the Aldi security guy calmly walk out and place a "Next Customer" bar by a wheel and gently push it back as an embarrassed driver arrived to apply the hand brake! 

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