Ginny with her kill!

Thought I would join in with "Sausages of Southend" dog walk.  Arrived on time - just! - but they were already off across the Country Park.  Haven't walked here for a very long time and it can be accessed from various locations but I needed to go to the car park to make the meet-up.  Nearly got involved in car park rage...oops.  Car park was very busy and there was a complicated board of information about how to pay, when to pay etc etc. There were no cash options but lots of other stuff to do with Apps, phones, downloads, reductions for yearly tariffs etc.  The charge was only 30p per hour and when I called out to someone to ask whether there was no charge for Xmas/NY,  she said yes and she only found out when she couldn't get the App to download anyway.  I am out on a dog walk so I didn't have a debit card with me.  The dog walkers were disappearing fast and I still had my shoes to change - as I was doing this apparently my car door was touching the bodywork of the neighbouring car and the owners had returned and noted it.  At that point what I thought was going to be a pleasant morning's dog walk started to become just too much hassle.  In my head I saw myself roaring off in my Skoda with wheels spinning, kicking up mud all over the "bloatmobile" that was taking up all but 6" either side of its fat body in the next marked parking bay.  Thank goodness I also saw in my head how ridiculous that would look so I got back in my car with one boot on and one off and drove to a space that could accommodate my modest car so that "grumpy couple" would be able to get in their car as apparently I had parked too close.  The day got better.  I did not catch up with the pack but Ginny had a nice walk and met lots of other dogs and people.  Finally located the sausage dog outing by cutting off a corner and joining the returning stragglers.  Drove home via Pets at Home as they have weighing scales in the shop - Ginny is 3.1kgs. I haven't taken her in before but we walked past the toy shelves and she dived into one of the lower ones and extracted a ghastly bright green "thing".  Managed to persuade her to choose the one in the picture and as you can see she seems pleased with it,  has killed it and carrying it back to her lair. Who knew life could be so complicated.  I'm going to stick to what I know.

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