Then you and me can rock a bell
Last day of the year.
I said to Si today; does anyone still go out and get really drunk all day on Hogmanay?
He said to me, ‘you Scot’s are all mad. You (mostly) all stay sober til the bells and then go crazy. In England we drink from 8 til the bells and then go home. No one drinks all day.
I did once. We went out from the bank at lunchtime and had a couple; remember those days when a drink or two at lunch time was quite acceptable; and then we made a punch. Everyone in the bank brought a bottle in. Vodka, gin, campari, meths (joke).
By the time I left the bank at 430 I was; what we like to call ‘mortal’.
Oh dear god.
I got on the bus, and sat on the drivers knee - and ‘helped him ‘ drive the bus. When the inspector go on he helped me to a seat … and kept me safe til my stop.
Then I went home; had a coffee, sobered up a bit and started all over again.
One of my colleagues in the bank wasn’t so lucky. She fell asleep in the bath; woke up with a hangover and threw up all over herself.
Oh the joys of youth and uncontrolled exuberance
Happy new year folks!
Here’s to a great 2022. I think it will be
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