Love Hearts at da Manse

Another frosty morning, but it soon thawed.  A windy day, overcast and dull, and still cold.

We all had a great night last night, mam and dad stayed over too.  Up fairly early, and Brian made us all breakfast.  Big Brian and Madeline popped by for a cuppa, and then I got out walkies with Sammy.  Popped down to Laura's in the afternoon, and walkies with Sammy.  Big Brian and Madeline came by again, this time for tea, leftovers from yesterday.  More walkies, and now feet up for the night, knackered! 

The old Manse was looking cheery on a dull day, with the windows lit with love hearts.  Each outer window has a heart in the window, but sadly haven't showed up well in the photo.  I'll have to have words with the owner, and get it sorted for next year.  Taken at the Manse, Mail, Cunningsburgh.  

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