Boxing Day - Tier 3

A horrid day, overcast, gales blowing and rained all day.  It did clear this evening, even saw the moon and stars, but more rain due.

Woke up to the dawn of a new tier of living, tier 3 is here.  This may be a blessing in disguise, as Covid-19 cases expected to rise in Shetland, and this way it could be nipped in the bud.  Up early, and spent the morning puttering about the house.  Managed a walk with Sammy, and then headed out for a run to the Co-op.  The afternoon was spent eating leftovers, nibbles and movies.  I managed a walk again this evening, over an hour, and stayed dry.  Many others out with dogs too.  Now back to the telly, and the fire.

Boxing Day has always been a bigger family day for us, and is a great miss this year.  We can still see family in the garden, or walks, but today was not the day for it.  Arrived at mam's, and then sister Laura popped by with the same thinking.  A brief chat on the briggistanes, time for a quick photo, and then headed on my way.  As long as everyone stays safe and adheres to the rules, we'll soon be able to meet up indoors again soon.  L-R - Me, Sammy, mam, dad, Laura and Shaun.  Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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