Fortunate Son

It might be Christmas Eve but it’s still been a busy day. Band practice this morning - first set nailed, second set will be run through next Tuesday and then we’re good to go for New Years Eve (covid restrictions permitting!)
Called in at Asda on the way home and actually found some salad stuff that had a decent sell by date on it, so that’s Xmas food shopping officially complete.
Finally got Mrs C’s present sorted. The website I’d been trying to get a specific gift certificate from had been having all sorts of problems, but today it all worked perfectly so that’s me back in the good books for another year.
Rounded off the afternoon with a session in the gym before settling down to watch Ball and Boe in concert while we had tea.
And all that is basically a very long excuse for only being able to come up with a photo of the Christmas card I gave to mum for today’s blip! She found it amusing though, and it never hurts to remind one’s siblings of the pecking order within the family!
I’m actually looking forward to Christmas Day this year. The house is just about finished after three years of waiting, and all remaining relatives are hale and hearty, so we can actually just relax and enjoy the day without worrying about things. Let’s just make the most of this weekend whilst we can. If everything changes next week, then so be it. Fretting about it over Christmas won’t change anything.
A final thought - I wonder how many people, who were dreading the idea of spending Christmas with relatives they didn’t particularly want to see, were on the phone this morning. “Yes, all positive I’m afraid so we’ll have to stay at home. And we were so looking forward to seeing you…”

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