
Mrs C pictured striding towards the third supermarket visited in 12 hours as the quest for Christmas food continued. Not readily apparent from the photo is the cold drizzle and packed car park.
The quest started last night. M&S Kendal were open until midnight, so we went down at 9.30, reasoning it would be quiet. And indeed it was, as there were hardly any other customers. Their absence may be explained by a corresponding absence of food on the shelves! There seems little point in staying open late if you’re not going to have extra deliveries - and extra staff to put the stuff on the shelves. After a lot of searching, we did manage to find about half of what we wanted - mainly non Christmas food though, so another trip would be needed.
An early start this morning saw us heading off in the dark to the M&S Foodhall at Ulverston, working on the basis that as they opened at six, and were a dedicated food store, they might be better stocked, albeit with more customers at that time. Well, we were half right - there were a lot more customers in the store, but not much more by the way of stock. It seems that, once again it was a delivery issue, judging by the discussion I overheard between two members of staff. Still, we did get most of what we wanted, but there were still a few - vital - outstanding items.
So, Asda it was then. To be fair, they seemed to be a lot better stocked and we quickly found all that we wanted. I even managed to get Mrs C’s Christmas card (whoops, almost forgot!) and all I have to do now is remember where I’ve hidden her presents, so I can get them wrapped in time.
And after all that, I really couldn’t be bothered with the rest of the day. Managed some bass practice in anticipation of a full band rehearsal in the morning, but otherwise just slobbed out in front of the telly. I had great plans of going to the gym, but maybe I’ll leave that until tomorrow…

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