
It would have been my father’s 91st birthday today. And I can’t really believe it’s nearly five years since we lost him. In some ways though, it probably wasn’t a bad time to go, when you think about what’s happened in those five years. He would have struggled to deal with a global pandemic, war in Ukraine, the deaths of the Queen & Prince Philip and Brexit, to name but a few, but I suspect the shambles that is the current government would have caused most distress. He had no time for an idiot like Boris, would have been ashamed by the behaviour of an alumnus of his school (Matt Hancock) and was the sort of old school Tory who would have voted for “anyone except Sunak”. Though he might have changed his mind if he’d seen what damage Truss could do in only a few short days.
I do chat to him when I visit the grave as he always liked to keep up with current affairs. And I’m sure it was just my imagination that I heard a “spinning” noise on some of those occasions.
Although his birthday was on Christmas Eve, woe betide the person who dared buy a “combined” present. Failure to deliver distinctly separate birthday and Christmas presents was definitely grounds for expulsion from the family. So he’s probably not impressed that I have put a Christmas decoration on his grave to mark his birthday.
I think I can hear that spinning noise again…

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