What An Absolute Ba*****

I was down at the shop first thing and was arguing with the damned card reader trying to pay (it was rejecting the card) when my phone went.
I ignored it until I had won the fight (I cheated and used another card).
It was Bags.
She had had a call from the son-in-law ... he wasn't feeling great so had taken another Lateral Flow Test .... and it said he was positive.
So that is them (and SWMBO and I) isolating until he can get a full blown test and see if it is negative.
That meant I had to phone The Larder and let them know that I would not be able to do my deliveries (the first time ).
If he is positive then I am going to miss out on the meal that has been organised for the volunteers and next weeks delivery.
SWMBO and I took another LFT and both show negative.

I was in the garage when I got a call from Debs at The Larder. She and somebody else were doing my deliveries and couldn't find the one that is away out in the sticks and whose postcode doesn't marry up with where it is...... Welcome to my world.
Debs was saying it was nice to put faces to the names and voices on the other end of the phone. I would rather that she was able to be doing what she is meant to be doing.

It transpires that the culprit for spreading the plague to half of son-in-law's office who are also now in isolation (and everyone else who is suffering the consequences) new he was positive before the weekend but felt it was more important for him to go to the office doo at Cameron House.
Personally, if I was the company director, I would be terminating his employment (if it hasn't happened already) and praying that there isn't any comeback from the hotel.

I was going to make some key fobs today, but (as usual) got distracted.
Not helped by my damned bandsaw and its habit of 'wandering' instead of cutting in a straight line. 
I need a lottery win to buy a new one. The current one is dated 1999 and spares seem to be a bit thin on the ground.

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