Da Henderson's Christmas Lights

A breezy day, mostly cloudy, showers this evening. 

Day one of six days off.  Slept longer than planned.  I finally got going, and made a start to chores.  Met friend Julie for walkies this morning.  The afternoon was spent Christmas cleaning.  I even managed to get washing out, and fairly dry.  Working in the shop this evening, and then meeting dad and friends for a pint or two.  

So many houses now decorated with their outdoor Christmas lights, and the dark nights have been brightened up.  One of the longest established houses, and brightest, is the Henderson's, home of friends Jacqueline and Leslie.  It's a lot of work to put up every year, but his efforts are well worth it, especially for their grandbairns, and can be seen from miles away, maybe even space!  Leslie featured on the Scottish news last year with his display.  Taken at Meadowfield Road, Scalloway. 

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