Our new routine

For those of you who follow our Blips regularly you will know that Ann started a new part-time job on the 18th November in a very nice shop ('Wilkies') just around the corner from where we live. She only works 4 hr shifts because obviously I am her main priority, but I'm more than happy to have snooze time alone for 4 hours. This week she has worked Thurs, Fri & today, 1-5pm.

Working 1-5pm means that when she comes home it is cold & dark so I only get a little trek around the streets on my lead. But that's OK because when Ann starts work at 1pm it means that after a little 'first thing in the morning toilet walk'; after breakfast we go out together for a couple of hours. Today we had ever such a nice walk and I even found this lovely puddle to play in.

If Ann works 9.30-1.30pm I go trekking around the streets on my lead in the dark at about 7am but then I get 'run about time' in the afternoon. And if she works 11-3pm (or Sundays 12-4pm) I get 'run about time' in the morning and an on lead walk in the dark in the afternoon. We've got it sussed. Yay!!!

After almost 2 years of COVID/lockdown/restrictions etc, etc, etc my human is just happy that she actually has a job in a lovely shop with lovely staff & customers & she's still doing her 'Meet & Greets' and she actually has some 'human interaction'. Actually she has loads of 'human interaction' because the most important part of the job is interacting with the customers. Much as Ann loves me, she also needs to talk to humans as well.

Sooooooo.................. Ann's been in her new job for three weeks now and I've been in my new routine and all is going well.

And do you know what the bestest thing is about this job is?????.......................... Ann's on a 'zero hour' contract so that means we can go to our 'Cornish Home' whenever we want though it also means if 'Wilkies' doesn't want us to work for a few weeks they don't need to give Ann any shifts. Can't see that happening cos everyone seems really short of staff.  Ann is really, really, happy about this.

PS - Oh and guess what is making Ann even happier than her very flexible working hours?......................... I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, my little bed again. Phew!!! (see Extras).  I've been snoozing in it for the last couple of days.


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