Christmas Sweater Day

Today is 'Christmas Sweater Day'. I hate Christmas Sweater Day because Ann makes me dress up in my Christmas Sweater and wear my reindeer antlers. I don't like my Christmas sweater or my reindeer antlers. Last night she got out my Christmas sweater and my reindeer antlers and said, 'Trixie, you can wear these tomorrow.' Grrrrrrr................... I was not a happy little collie pup.

But guess what happened today?.................. I went for my morning walk and then I had breakfast. And I didn't have to wear my Christmas sweater or my reindeer antlers. Yay!  And then Ann said, 'Trixie, I'm working 1-5pm this afternoon then I'll come home and take you for a little walk and then I'm going to the Steak House for dinner. We need to go somewhere this morning where you can have lots of run about time and get worn out. Let's go to the beach at Seafield and you can play with your ball.' So that is what we did.

…................And do you know what? I didn't have to wear my Christmas Sweater or my reindeer antlers because Ann knew I'd be having lots of little 'flop downs' in the sea. I had the most lovely, lovely, play on the beach.

Ann's home now and we're both just chillaxing in front of the TV and I'm happy, happy, happy. It's almost bedtime and I've managed to get through the whole of Christmas Sweater Day without wearing my Christmas Sweater or my reindeer antlers. Yay!!!

PS – Ann's just told me we'll be wearing our Christmas Sweaters on Christmas Day. Boooohoooo!!!

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