
By Grammy

Saved by the Birds

Overcast and mild in the morning, temps dropping to freezing by midnight. Up early with hopes of wrapping gifts. Best laid plans and all of that. Refilled the feeders and birdbaths and looked for a blip. I prefer to find something interesting early just in case nothing great happens later. You will notice dead branches in this bush. The birds use them as perches. Otherwise, the bush would have been cut down because I thought it was completely dead. So glad I was patient and gave it another chance-many new shoots appeared this summer and are now full of camellia blooms. I had jobs from the trip to do before I could start wrapping anything. It took at least an hour to sort through the last week’s mail; most went in the recycle bin. Hubby went to my mother’s to help her with another credit card issue. This one was easy; the company had erroneously sent a “new tech” card for a closed account. Always something. He went to PT where they told him he has two more months of therapy. Our friend in WV needed Christmas cards. I had enough extras up there for her for 2021. Went through my stash and found at least a three year supply for her. It took a few hours to go through that full tub. Kim’s school had a fund raiser at The Green Turtle so we enjoyed carry out. Tomorrow I should definitely be able to wrap gifts after morning Mass. I hope your Christmas preps are going according to plan without stress. Stay safe. Thanks for visiting. “Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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