Frosty the Snowman

With a little more time on our hands this weekend, we thought we’d reinstate the Sunday morning ritual of walking into town along the river, having a coffee and then walking back through town.
A brilliant idea with only two teensy flaws. Firstly, you can no longer take the scenic path alongside the river as most of it is fenced off whilst they do the new flood defences. So you have to walk down the main road side of the river, which highlighted the second issue with our plan - it was bloody freezing! That side of the river is much more exposed and we were walking straight into the icy wind. Which meant that the coffee was even more welcome than usual. Fortunately the wander back through town was a bit more sheltered and we were able to take our time and look in the shop windows. Most had made an effort to have some sort of Christmas decorations on show, but I am always amused by the display in this furniture shop window. It’s the same every year - the chairs and settees disappear and the giant inflatables take their place. There is a Xmas tree, a penguin and Santa on his sleigh in the other window, but I like the snowman because it has some sort of motor in the base that makes it vibrate as if it is shivering!
After that it was a quick lunch before heading off to Panto rehearsal. A bit different today as we concentrated on the final number and then just fine tuned a couple of scenes. So it was early away, which was a good thing because I had a PT session booked for 4.30. It was quite cold in the gym but my trainer soon had me warmed up! In fact, by the end of the hour he calculated I had lifted nigh on 10 tonnes of weight in total! Certainly feels like it now, and I suspect I’m going to have some aching muscles tomorrow.
With any luck, tonight should be our last night of sitting on garden chairs and we’ve been told our loan settee will be the first drop from the van tomorrow. I’m looking forward to watching the telly in comfort for a change!

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