Billy Don’t Be a Hero

This afternoon has been mainly spent building and installing the new bookcase we picked up in IKEA yesterday. And the bulk of that time was actually trying to slot the finished bookcase into its final resting place. At one point I thought about removing a radiator to squeeze it in but, in the end, opted for the time consuming and physically more strenuous option of partly dismantling and moving the new desk/bed to give me enough wiggle room. Everything is now properly in place, fixed to the wall as appropriate, and - thankfully - shouldn’t need moving again as long as we live here!
But it’s not all been flatpack furniture building today. I managed a gym session before lunch and dealt with a slew of emails after. Mostly junk, but one little bit of good news - bedroom curtains are ready to be fitted, can we do Tuesday afternoon? Yes, is the short answer to that one.
Whilst the bedroom and the study are now almost complete, we seem to have gone backwards in the lounge. Notwithstanding the lack of proper furniture, there are half emptied boxes and bits of musical equipment scattered all over the floor. Now that the loft is a little emptier, I feel the time has now come to start putting things away rather than just dumping them in a corner.
More assembly to be done tomorrow when I build the new office chairs. Had a quick look in the box this evening and I don’t foresee any problems - just can’t be bothered starting that job tonight. Instead, it’s fire on and settle down in front of the telly to try and clear some of the massive backlog of programmes we recorded whilst all the decoration was being done. The box is up to 80% and it was only on about 25% before we started! There may have to be some culling of unwatched box sets though if we are to make enough space to record anything decent that may be on over Christmas.

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