On the Wane

These flowers, whose names I do not know, arrived as letter box flowers over 3 weeks ago. They lay huddled together looking rather ‘wabbit’ until I put them in a vase with their pick me up solution. Now look at them! They have survived the elegant roses and the showy chrysanthemums and will continue gracing the sideboard for one or two more days yet.

I met a school friend for coffee in the French Institute this morning and we managed to leave before we were thrown out when they set the tables for lunch. There was much hilarity despite topics ranging from gender dysmorphia to Powers of Attorney. You couldn’t make it up !

It’s always fun to meet up with people sharing your childhood- there is so much common background and being of the same advancing years we have similar views on the ways of the world at the moment.

The Christmas cards are written, addressed and stamped and the relief of having that task off my hands is enormous. Christmas, bring it on, especially as I am not hosting the meal this year. Now I can concentrate on the Bailey’s and the birthday chocolates!

the extra is the waning moon which was so clear in the morning sky today

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