An Expensive Day Out

It was the excuse we needed -paying the deposit for next year’s sojourn at Stobo which required a drive down to Peebles with daughter #2, coffee in Stobo and lunch at Osso’s in the town.

It was a damp day with the dreich wintry look of bare trees in wet fields and misty hills beyond.
Once through the door at Stobo though, we were enveloped in the special atmosphere of the place, a mixture of fragrances, warmth and calmness.
The hardest part for me was the proffering of my credit card, but that over, we enjoyed sitting in the cafe with our coffee feeling ever so slightly envious of the robed ladies languishing in the atrium.

Lunch was 3 shared plates of delicious tapas after which there was the customery walk about the High Street with specific entry into the old familiar shops, Rogerson’s shoe shop being first on the list. No money changed hands.

Home in the failing light to a cold house but warmed by the experience of a day away.

I managed a quick blip of a lady almost airborne as she leaves Stobo with her balloons, having just celebrated her 50th birthday. I hope she managed to fit them into her car!

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