Through the Trees

Although it was milder today and most of the surrounding whiteness had gone, I was still suspicious of the pavements which have the potential to be a tad icy. As a youth, to slip would have only been embarrassing, now it’s not so much embarrassing as life altering with the likelihood of a broken bone. Fortunately all was well down the Mound on the way to the centre of town for provisions and an online collection.

The Christmas UnderBelly jollies have taken over West Princes Street gardens this year, but at least most of that area is hard standing and not grass. I resisted going to see the ice rink and the other attractions and was content to blip the view from Princes Street. Perhaps another day…..

With a drizzle settling in after lunch , I made a start on the Christmas cards. I decided that if I did 15 a day, a week would see me finished. By the 15th my writing had degenerated to such a scrawl that the recipients would be forgiven for thinking I had some degenerative

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