First Christmas Decoration

My makeshift hook failed during the night and the wreath fell down. When I first looked at my phone this morning, there was a text from Dana saying she had found the hook in the garage in a pile of stuff waiting to be taken to the e-waste place when she came to borrow the table it was on....

It was difficult to photograph the wreath on the mirror without getting myself, the dog, who is never far away from me, or a variety of things in the kitchen. We have a fake wreath that we put on the porch because it is too hot out there for a living one. We haven't decided yet about the tree. We always say we'll not get one this year, but we always do. We also always say we'll get a small tree this year, but we never do that either...Dana always goes to the Christmas tree farm in Sebastopol, walks around acres of trees looking for exactly the right one, which almost always has to have about a foot cut off before it fits in the living room, and spend days decorating it. It always looks beautiful.

I've spent another afternoon editing my photos, reliving fires, floods feasts and festivals. And ever so many flowers and pictures of dogs. I can't bring myself to delete pictures of dogs who have passed, so I'm putting them all in a folder and telling myself that I'll cull the folder later. Many, many flowers have been deleted....Many, many other flower bearing plants have bitten the dust and not yet been replaced, although we are working on a simplified plan.

I hope all the British Blippers survived Arwen with roofs intact and freezers still frozen. I consider myself something of an expert on power outages and pass on the information that if you don't open the freezer, the food will stay frozen for thirty six hours and safe to eat as long as it is still cold....

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