Office Manager

Mr Fluff has declared himself to be the Office Manager in our house. Begone, those useless slim, flat-screen computer monitors. They are of no use whatsoever as they provide absolutely no surface for the Manager to place oneself upon. Henri would be appalled.

And so, this is 'the day Britain changed' screams the headline of the Guardian. Then in full gory detail the changes are spelled out and on the radio we hear the voices of people like Iain Duncan Smith blathering on about how the changes to the welfare system are intended to make things 'fairer'. My arse.

I was so angry that I cleaned the hell out of the cooker this morning. Tomorrow I shall get the cat litter tray out from under the stairs, line the bottom of it with the front page of the Guardian- it has a large photo of our glorious leader David Cameron smack in the middle of it - and invite the cats to make full use of it.

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