First of all aologies for the lateness of this blip, the laptop is playing up yet again.  it's taken me since about 3.00pm till now (8.15 pm) to process just about 20 photos.  I'm sure it is something to do with the changes to LightRoom.  AAaarrggghhh!!!


Wow what a wild night.  We were very lucky here, but we don't usually hear too much in our bedroom but we definitely heard that storm last night.  I hope all of you are OK.  

Hubby popped down into Grange this morning and from half way down Kents Bank Road to the station were all in darkness - no electricity.  As far as I know they still hadn't come on by 6.00 this evening!!!  

The Grange FaceBook page which was formed at the beginning of Covid have been amazing again and The Uplands Hotel and several people have offered hot drinks and a warm place to sit should anyone need it.  

After lunch I decided I wanted to pop out for a walk round the block so I took my camera with me.  I rescued our elderly neighbour's dustbins as they had got well scattered and absolutley no signs of the contents.  I checked in on her too to make sure she was OK, and thankfully she was fine.  Her daughter lives nearby so is keeping an eye on her anyway.

G and I then walked on down the steep part of Carter Road, near Kilmidyke and boy was it cold - it was like having an opened freezer hit you in the face.  Lots of broken branches, a few large ones and twigs scattered around.  

So at the bottom of Carter Road we just walked back along the narrow footpath by the side of the railway line (all trains on the Furness line were cancelled apparently).  

I noticed the horse in the field with another further up and was a little concerned for it as it was laid down. I couldn't get into the field but stayed talking to it for a while and it seemed to be OK, just having a rest.  I do so hope it is OK.  Not sure who to contact but they both had coats on and I'm sure the owners must be nearby and keeping an eye on them.  

Then I tried to edit the photos I'd taken and the whole laptop crashed, several times.  I've done everything I can think of doing so I'm guessing it will be a trip to Kendal next week.  Although after tonight's news about the new covid variant  I'm a bit nervous about going out again!

I do so hope you are all well and have survived the storm well.  Stay safe and see you all tomorrow when I will comment on your blips, assuming I can get on the laptop again. 

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