
This is not a flower at all, but it came from a plant and has been cleverly ground squirrels, we suspect. It took about three days to eat a neat hole through the outer shell and thoroughly clean out the insides. It will probably start to rot pretty quickly now that it has been cut, but until then we keep it as an interesting conversation piece...and a peace offering to the squirrels in hopes that they will confine their activities to the front of the house!

Busy day today. I did a a bit of Christmas shopping, ordering a jacket for John from an advertising picture in the newspaper. I went immediately to the store but they didn't have it. The helpful assistant said they never got it ,but she was able to locate one in a store in Sacramento and will call me next week when she gets it.

I came home and finished my quilt top hoping to hang it on the barn door of our closet, which we never close, but the quilt is too big for the door. Another 4am idea shot down in the cold light of day.

I also went to the AT&T store to buy a new phone which they didn't have but were happy to order for me. There were no special deals at AT&T since I wasn't upgrading my plan or changing carriers.  There is no love lost here for AT&T and we may change carriers when John is ready to change also, but for now this is the path of least  resistance. Who would have believed that one would one day spend over a thousand dollars for a phone?  But of course it is much more than a phone. In fact the one feature I rarely use is the phone.

I could have gone to the Apple store in town but they were robbed a couple of days ago. I fear that as the income gap continues to widen there are more people who will simply take matters into their own hands. 
A spate of smash and grab or simply walk in, take as much as you can carry and run out again, sometimes in broad daylight, has occurred around the Bay Area in the last week.

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