Wing Man Returns

We were walking with Spike when Dana texted from the Farmers' Market saying that the guy with the metal 'garden art' was back in his usual place. We finished our walk and went straight to the market, purchased our wings, put them in the car with Spike and went back to get a coffee and a crepe. While waiting for our crepes, our old Pilates buddy appeared so we repaired to a table to eat our crepes in civilized fashion and chat with Larry. He was joined by his partner Annemarie who remembered our names from moths (Years?) ago when they used to have what they called 'beer garden' in her back garden. It fizzled out when the weather got too cold to gather outside.

I am now caught in the decor transition from Thanksgiving/Autumn to Christmas/Winter...complicated by our springlike weather. 

We are struggling with wreath overload as we bought one at the farmers' market a month ago and hung it in the living room. We have an artificial one with a battery and lights for the front porch which fries anything live within days. (There was a reason why we planted cactus out there). When we came home there was a big box on the front porch containing a beautiful big wreath smelling of a pine forest. It is currently on the kitchen counter awaiting a decision about where to put it. Not to mention further attempts to find out where it came from.

We also will soon have to make the annual decision about the Christmas tree . Get one or not? If so where will we put it? We don't really have the perfect place for a tree in this house. We had to donate our artificial one from Berkeley because it didn't fit anywhere here. We always decide to get a small tree, and we always wind up coming up with one that looked smaller in the garden center than it turned out to be....

For today, I ironed, yes me, the Thanksgiving tablecloth and napkins, got rid of several tablecloths that don't fit our table and kept a third one that can be made to fit. But not today, for we are already late for Jim's brisketfest....

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