The Hunter of Plastic

I struggle a little with what we have done with our 2 biggest religious holidays...Easter and Christmas. Christmas has turned into presents and the jolly fat man, and Easter has turned into candy and the Easter Bunny.

That being said...yes, we do pass out presents, and...yes...we did have an Easter egg hunt. I guess I just wish there was more emphasis on the birth, and the death of Christ, and I know that opinion is highly personal.

We only had 2 egg gatherers this year. My grandson Merrick, and my niece Sophie. Sophie is a kind little girl. She let Merrick find all of the easily hidden ones before she started. Merrick re-payed by snitching 3-4 of her eggs while they were posing for a picture. I put a couple more pictures on my FLICKR PAGE.

Click HERE to see how big Merrick has grown in a year. He's my little man...he's my buddy boy.

Happy Easter to all.

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