First Color

I looked out my window...
and what did appear?
I yelled to my wife...
"It's dear!"

A small taste of purple...
the first sign of Spring.
"Get out the lawn chairs!
Get out the swing!" nice it is to see a little color...even if it is just a tiny bit. It makes you feel vibrant and alive. It renews your hope that you CAN escape from the winter doldrums. Royal purple in a sea of gray. It makes you want to jump in the air, and click your heels together. (OK...that might be going too far.)

I laid flat out on my side...propped up on my left elbow to take the one-handed shot...not caring if any neighbors saw me. IT'S SPRING! YOU FEEL YOUNG AGAIN! MY BONES...THEY DON'T CREAK! THE VERNAL EQUINOX IS A-WORKIN! Then...reality sunk in when I had to get up.

Thought I would get an early post. Thanks to my neighbors crocus for helping me out. Easter family dinner here tomorrow...with a 100 different things to do to prepare. Mostly...I try to stay out of Lisa's way.

Hope to catch up later tonight. A couple days behind. Busy...busy...busy. Working...working...working.

Hope everybody has a great Easter. A special day. HE IS RISEN!!

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