Square Hole

Good lord, Austria are going to make vaccinations compulsory. I’m all for people getting vaccinated, but really, can you do that? Like, strap down people who don’t want it, and forcibly inject them with something against their will? In Austria, obviously you can!
Over to the yard to help the commodore winterise his engine. Sook, that I am. In a previous year he needed his rudder removed so I assisted in cutting a bespoke hole in the concrete just for him to drop it into. He knows exactly where his boat is positioned in the yard every year now. Then I was allowed out to play on the harbour to fetch the workboat.
Later out to see Power of the Dog, Ms Campion’s western with Benedict Cumberbatch in top form (as was Kirsten Dunst). What a tremendous thing a well made film is. Dialogue, acting, music, and visual beauty all whipped up together. I mean, like wow, that’s a thing. Am I right? And you can sip a double scotch as you're watching! And eat chocolates! I think the only thing that could improve it would be sitting in a warm bath at the same time. 

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