New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Rifleman Khan

Had a lovely morning with my Director this morning having a catch up over mint tea and brunch.  Super lovely little cafe in Strathaven (pronouce it Stray-ven if you want to sound like a local) where I had a breakfast frittata with spinach and alioli in a bread bun (yes, a posh egg sandwich) which was so good I will definitley be going back at some point.  Strathaven is a lovely little town - for the Yorkshire folk I'd call it Lanarkshire's Hebden Bridge for all the little independent shops and big-small-town feel, it might even be a good place to look for a house if the cycle commute isn't too strenuous.  no floods though, its uphill.

So onto today's blip - this is the recently unveiled statue of Rifleman Khan, who is the dog in the picture and he saved Jimmy Muldoon from drowning after their landing craft was hit.  Khan won the  Dickin medal for bravey, putting him amongst other legends such as Winkie the pigeon. Full story here.

My favourite bit of the statue is that someone has given Jimmy Muldoon a bracelet made from a rubber band and a poppy which you can spot if you look closely.

Today's Soundtrack: Mississipi Goddamn by Nina Simone

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