Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

EB - It's my dinner

Remembrance Sunday today so our church service included silence at 11am. We had a good sized congregation, and somehow, for me at any rate, the service seemed very poignant. I wonder if it was the comparison of what had happened in the lives of different generations. I've always said we were the lucky ones, my grandparents had the 1st World War, the war to end all wars. My parents survived the 2nd World War, whereas I have been fortunate enough to live in a time, of peace and relative prosperity. These last two years, although not comparable with war, have given us a taste of what it must be like when death and suffering happens without notice and in ways outwith our control.
Colin has headed up to his mum's for a few days, so I set to work on lots of little tasks I've been putting off. I always think that once I have the sewing machine out then the jobs seem to just fly out of the cupboards and bottoms of drawers.
As I was sitting down to dinner tonight I realised I hadn't actually taken any photographs today, so here is my dinner! Chicken breast with creme fraiche and green peppercorn sauce. It was absolutely delicious. I'm a great fan of boiled rice, and, as always I had cooked too much. I gave myself a special treat for pudding, cold rice with strawberries, a drizzle of cream and a very light dusting of sugar. It was delicious, see my extra.
I'm sitting, watching 'nothing tv' this evening, we've not caught up with Shetland, so that is recording for when Colin is home again.
Ali just texted me to say she'd run 5k, I'm most impressed just seven weeks after having a baby.
Keep safe folks, in spite of what I said at the start I have to hope that we are moving towards the end of this Pandemic. Two years ago I wouldn't have thought it possible that we could have coped with the restrictions we've had. I remember the panic I felt at not being able to go out and about. I do hope (I have to hope) that 2022 will see us really on top of this virus and able to regain some of our freedom.

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