
By Grammy

Another Beautiful Day

We could not have had a more gorgeous day. We got up early, had breakfast and I headed to the grocery store. My mother is having company tomorrow so I picked up everything she needs and headed south. My sister stopped at a different store and got the stuffed ham Momma ordered and some chicken salad for lunch. When I arrived, I tried to capture the beautiful sky and autumn scene that Momma enjoys every day out her kitchen window. The clouds were unusual; they were wispy and floating so low in places. And facing north, they were dark and foreboding. We’d been in the house a few minutes when we heard a crash. A portable clothes rack had fallen on our mother. She has terrible legs and broke a vein close to her knee. She went unwillingly to the recliner with compression stockings and ice for the rest of the day. My sister and I were there until 7:00 pm but the house is sparkling; let the guests arrive. We plan to be there by 10:00 am tomorrow to help prepare the meal and clean up. As my sister said, although we are drained, we have to enjoy these days together. At 93, you make every moment count. Hubby made out fine without me. He got to and from PT fine, exercised, shopped for a new portable clothes rack and dishwasher for our mother and rested a bit. We had burgers from a fast food place-too wiped to do otherwise. Thanks for the visit. “Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us every day.” – Sally Koch

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