
By Grammy

And Then There Was One

Cloudy, breezy with a chill. We had our first frost this morning. Since we’d had a restless night, we didn’t get up till 8:30. The funeral was at 11:00 so we rushed around to get ready. Aunt Pat, my Godmother who lived in Albany, NY, was my mother’s last sibling. No one was told of her cancer diagnosis until she passed. Everyone was shocked because she always told us how healthy she was. Thankfully, she only suffered one month. Her son Joe, endured one illness or another most of his life. We were not surprised at his death so soon after Aunt Pat passed, but saddened, especially for his unmarried sister who is now all alone. They have lived together for many years. We last saw them in Toronto in 2018 where we celebrated Aunt Pat’s 80th birthday. So thankful we were able to share that special event with them. Cousin Father Bill, who lives in Chicago, was scheduled to be in our county for a wedding (that was postponed) this weekend. He celebrated the Mass as he does for all family events. Everyone pitched in and we had another delicious Bayne meal at the repast. My mother and Father Bill agreed to pose for me as our family day was winding down. Hubby was exhausted by the time we got home and is taking a long winter’s nap. Chris dropped by and drained/stored my fountains for the winter. We are almost ready for cold weather. Thanks for visiting. Glad you liked the car. Stay safe and have a fun weekend. “Spend time with those you love. One of these days you will say either, ‘I wish I had,’ or ‘I’m glad I did’”. – Unknown

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