
My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

Today was fun. I needed that, after what has been quite a hard week. 

It started with breakfast with April, Corrie and El Jefe*. We all met up at April's hotel and had fun eating a huge cooked brekky and not talking about work.

April is hilarious. A tiny little person with lots of views and heaps of energy. She told us about the proposals of marriage she has received, including one from a multi-millionaire who she wasn't into although she considered marrying him so she could "give all his money to cats".

She likes cats. Her cat is called Pepper. She showed me pictures of him joining in by meowing when she sings. "Awww! Pepper! Yumyumyum!" she added, waving at him.

She told us she wants a pink car with kitten ears on top. "My last boyfriend made me take all my Hello Kitty stuff out of my car. I broke up with him though."

She is also planning on wearing kitten ears herself when the installers come to Christchurch, "So they take me seriously. Yeah. I'll be like, 'Put that display over there or else rowr.'" 

She then checked out Losi's impressive tattoos on both his arms. 

"Maybe I'll make some tats on my arms with a marker to scare the installers. Look like I just came outta prison. Yah." 

If I'm making her sound silly, she most certainly is not. She's a very smart woman, just with an exuberance and sense of fun that was really infectious. But this belies the fact that she is a Service Desk Engineer who is (purely because she hates to be bored) also studying web design. 

April, Losi, Jefe, Corrie and I did some testing of our new rooms together. This was also fun. We took three rooms and created a meeting with all of them joined together and April's phone as well to see how it all performed. 

Then we tried things like talking all at once to see what the audio software made of it. Then we tried moving around to ensure the cameras followed us correctly.

It was hilarious. The camera would NOT acknowledge April. She stood at the back of the room singing and dancing. "Camera! Look at me! Camera! F*cking camera! I am getting so p*ssed off with you camera!"

The camera zoomed in on Corrie. Who was not moving or saying anything. "This camera HATES me!" said April.

Then she made us pose for a meme about room etiquette. "I'll be the loud girl on the phone," she said. "You all have to look annoyed with me."

Jefe - who used to act - asked us what his motivation was. "You're just trying to run a meeting," said April.

"Also you're an ex-cop with a drinking problem," I added. 

"Got it," said Jefe.

You can see the result in the extras. I'm sure you'll agree that Jefe nailed it.

After this, April took Corrie and I out for bubble tea** with her, and she bounced along the road. "Oooh Wellington I love you. Doop de doop de doop," she said. "Look at all the people! Oooh! Look at the plushies! Yumyumyum!"

Sadly, it was then time for her to fly back to Christchurch. But after all of that high-energy silliness Corrie and I were not in the mood for work so we went to the pub instead. I had a nice time chatting for an hour or so with Corrie. She's such a smart, positive young woman and - most excitingly - she is house hunting in Paraparaumu. 

So, after a few rum and cokes, I came away from my chat with her feeling very lucky to be in the team that I am in. Even with no Fazzy, I had a great day and felt like I was among friends. 

Next week is going to be another busy one. I expect I'll be a bit stressed. But so long as I have this lot around me, I'm sure I'll be fine. 



* Jeff. I've changed his blip name again. This seems to suit him better. 

** I'd never had this before. It was quite nice. Although very sugary. Like I was drinking a mango smoothie filled with Gummi Bears.

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